Jeremiah Krakowski | How To Get More Results

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Thriving Against the Odds: A Guide for Coaches and Mentors Navigating the Online World

1. The Big Trap: Wanting Everyone to Like You

In the vast online world, there are millions of people, each with their own opinions. As a coach or mentor, it's tempting to try to cater to everyone. But here's the reality: It's impossible to please every single person.

Why it Happens: We all want to be liked. It's human nature. We believe that the more people like us, the more successful we'll be. But in trying to make everyone happy, we often stretch ourselves too thin.

What to Remember: Your message, style, and offerings will resonate with a certain group. Focus on them. When you try to speak to everyone, you might end up speaking to no one.

2. Setting Rules: Why It's Important

Every great system has rules. Think about traffic lights. Without them, there'd be chaos. Similarly, for your online coaching or mentoring business, setting boundaries and rules is essential.

Why it Happens: Many feel that rules might turn potential clients away. But in reality, clear boundaries show professionalism and respect for both parties.

What to Remember: It's okay to have a structure. Whether it's a waiting list, specific office hours, or certain modes of communication, these "rules" help keep things streamlined and efficient.

3. Being Scared: The Thing That Stops You

Fear can be a massive roadblock. The online world, with its vast audience and endless possibilities, can be intimidating.

Why it Happens: Fear of criticism, rejection, or failure can hold anyone back. Especially when you're putting your knowledge and skills out for the world to see, the fear of judgment can be overpowering.

What to Remember: Every successful online personality, at some point, faced fears. The key is not to eliminate fear but to act despite it. For every critic, there will be countless supporters. Focus on them.

4. Being Brave = Winning Big

Boldness in the online sphere can lead to significant rewards. By stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new strategies, you can achieve outstanding results.

Why it Happens: Many stay in their safe zone, using tried-and-tested methods. But innovation often requires a leap of faith.

What to Remember: Every risk has potential rewards. While it's essential to be informed and strategic, sometimes, you'll need to trust your gut and take the plunge.

5. Want to Be Super Successful?

Success is a blend of hard work, strategy, and continuous learning. If you're willing to put in the effort and stay committed, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

Why it Happens: Many desire instant results. But success, especially online, is often a marathon, not a sprint.

What to Remember: Patience and persistence are your allies. Equip yourself with the right tools, knowledge, and mindset. Celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks. The journey to success is as valuable as the destination.

Wrapping Up:

The digital space offers unparalleled opportunities for coaches and mentors. But like any journey, it comes with its challenges. By understanding these challenges and equipping oneself to tackle them head-on, success is not just a possibility; it's a guarantee. Keep pushing, keep learning, and remember: the world needs your unique voice and expertise. Keep shining!