227: Time Optimization Strategies For Entrepreneurs - #GrowYourLife

In this illuminating episode of Grow Your Life, Jeremiah Krakowski shares his valuable insights on time management and optimization which have helped him turn his dreams into reality. Whether you are struggling with procrastination, trapped in a cycle of scarcity mindset, or feeling the weight of continuous obligations, this episode is just what you need. Jeremiah challenges fundamental beliefs about time and offers effective strategies that he has personally implemented to manage his schedule, achieve his goals, and make his wishes come true. 

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an experienced business veteran struggling with maximizing your day’s potential, this episode is for you. Jeremiah helps you dig deeper, challenging societal norms and shedding light on taking control of your own life instead of submitting to time's control over you. 

Throughout the episode, you'll learn about different ways you can challenge and change your thinking, making yourself a priority, accepting that it's okay to say no to certain obligations, delegating responsibilities, and getting more done in less time while maintaining your sanity and well being.


0:07 - Introduction  

0:16 - Challenges with optimizing time

0:55 - Changing perspective on time management

1:28 - Learning from Jeremiah's personal strategies 

2:51 - The first step to better time management 

4:03 - Reclaiming control over your time 

5:13 - Tips to improve your energy and productivity 

6:00 - The harmful culture of excuse-making

8:01 - On setting healthy boundaries and delegation 

10:33 - The liberation of prioritizing yourself

12:57 - Why change is necessary for success   

14:56 - Practical steps to move the needle forward 

16:42 - Making the leap from six figures to seven. 

19:28 - Reflections of past wisdom 

If your objective is to enrich your life, grow your business, and have a profound impact on the world, listen to this episode. Allow the strategies in this episode to challenge you, inspire you, and shift your perspective about time management. Remember to share this insightful episode with someone who could benefit from its lessons. Tune in, reshape your beliefs about time, and grow your life, everyone!